User Alarms and Notification. Information Monitors can
automatically notify you when problems arise during the monitoring
process. The notification can be via email, pager, or simply a splash
Here is a simple example to demonstrate out-of-bounds data notification.
The table below shows a few of the sensors being monitored in our
Computing and Communication room. Use the check-box adjacent to each
channel to select the channel. Modify the Low Limit or the High Limit
for the selected channel to trigger an out-of-bounds condition.
(Hint: The room temperature is normally between 73 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
A high limit of 70 degrees would normally cause a trigger.)
Click on the Go button to view the current readings and a splash screen
if an alarm is triggered. You can optionally enter your email address for notification via email.
To exit the monitoring mode, use the back button on your browser or select
any other page.